Nutec, Log and Steel Houses and Storage in George

Builders of Nutec, Log and Steel Houses and Storage in George

Builders of Nutec, Log and Steel Houses and Storage in George With many years’ experience, JFK Wendy City is a trusted name in the building industry in the Southern Cape. They are proud builders of Nutec, log and steel houses and storage and tide pride in each project. Nutec House, Wendy House, Steel Containers, Sheds, Garden Offices, Site Offices, Huts, Log Homes Workshops, Bar Huts, Play houses, Tool Sheds, Tree Houses, Pigeon Lofts, Cabins – you name it, they build it. Contact JFK Wendy City in George for more information and a free quotation. Visit the Garden Route Business Directory for information on more businesses in the Garden Route and the Klein Karoo. The post Nutec, Log and Steel Houses and Storage in George first appeared on Lalakoi Publishing Network.

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