April 12, 2023

Coffee Break Special George

Coffee Break Special at Chai and Spice Café George

Coffee Break Special at Chai and Spice Café George Enjoy tea or coffee with a two piece snack at Chai and Spice Café in George for only R45 per person. For your snack, you can choose from the following: Samoosa, Patha Roll, French or Cheese Toast. This special is valid for a limited time. A coffee break allows you the opportunity to step away from your desk and distance yourself from your work, relieving pressure and providing some much-needed relaxation. With this special, you can relax at Chai and Spice by yourself or invite a friend or colleague to join you. Coffee Break Special at Chai and Spice Café George Visit the Garden Route Business Directory for information on more businesses in the Garden Route and also the Klein Karoo. The post Coffee Break Special at Chai and Spice Café George first appeared on Lalakoi Directory.The post Coffee Break Special George first appeared on Lalakoi Publishing Network.

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